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Express Business Credit

Welcome to our comprehensive solution for building business credit with speed and confidence. We specialize in offering a unique combination of aged-shelf companies and a proven program that will help you establish and strengthen your business credit profile effectively.

Unlocking the Power of Aged Shelf Companies and Business Credit:

  • Aged Shelf Companies: Gain an immediate advantage with our meticulously selected aged shelf companies. These entities come with a history and guidance on how to build business credit, allowing you to bypass many challenges of starting a new business. By acquiring an aged shelf company, you set the stage for accelerated business credit growth.
  • Customized Credit Building Program: Our tailored program is designed to guide you through the process of building business credit from scratch or enhancing your existing profile. We provide you with a step-by-step roadmap, insider strategies, and valuable resources to ensure your success.
  • Access to Business Credit: Establishing a strong business credit profile is essential for securing loans, lines of credit, favorable terms, and vendor partnerships. Our program equips you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the credit ecosystem, increasing your chances of obtaining the financing you need to grow your business.
  • Expert Guidance and Support: Our team of credit specialists is committed to your success. We offer personalized guidance, answering your questions, and providing ongoing support throughout your credit-building journey. We understand the intricacies of the business credit landscape and are here to help you every step of the way.
  • Rapid Results: Our comprehensive approach ensures that you start seeing results quickly. By combining the power of aged shelf companies with our credit-building program, you can speed up establishing and enhancing your business credit, saving you time, effort, and frustration. Your business credit profile will grow for the next six months. Please follow the step-by-step plan for business credit success.
  • Long-Term Business Growth: Building a strong business credit profile sets the foundation for long-term success. With a solid credit history, you can unlock access to higher credit limits, favorable interest rates, and exclusive business opportunities. Establishing business credit not only helps you in the present but also paves the way for future growth and expansion.
  • Tailored Solutions for Every Need: We understand that every business is unique, which is why we offer tailored solutions to meet your specific requirements. Whether you’re a startup, a small business, or an established enterprise, we have the right combination of aged shelf companies and credit-building strategies to fit your needs. Pick the lenders that meet the needs of your business.

Don’t let the complexities of building business credit hold you back. Take advantage of our comprehensive solution today and accelerate your path to business credit success.

Contact us now to discover how our combined package of an aged shelf company and a results-driven credit-building program can empower your business. Let’s embark on a journey of financial growth and unlock the doors to a prosperous small business.

How To Order?

  • Ask For The List Of Aged Shelf Companies Here
  • Pick Out A Company And Request An Order Form
  • You Receive An Order Form And Registered Agent Form The Order Form Is How You Pay. The Registered Agent Form Provides Us With The Information To Update The Public Record. Lenders Want To See That You Have The Authority To Open Accounts For The Company. This Step Is Important So We Update The Public Record With Your Information.
  • You Receive The Company Documents By Email And By Us Mail. Login With The Membership To Start Building Business Credit.

Highway To Business Credit:

Professional Guidance On Building Business Credit Step-by-step + Company Filed In 2020

We provide a clean, ready-to-go company, and combine it with a provider who will coach you to build business credit within six months. Don’t stumble through the process. Learn what to do and how to do it. Stop wasting time by trying to figure it out. Our provider, CreditSuite, will guide you through the entire business credit process, provide business credit monitoring, connect you with lenders, provide coaching, and prompt you through the step=-by-step process to build business credit. Know the correct order of how it’s done and get it done quickly.



  • Grow a successful business
  • Access lines of credit
  • Acquire or lease equipment
  • Advertise
  • Grow your customer base
  • Open new locations
  • Hire employees
  • Vehicles for the business
  • Obtain fuel, supplies, maintenance, funds

Our services involve assisting you in comprehending and enhancing more than 125 Fundability Factors™, building and utilizing your business credit, and connecting you with brokers and lenders to obtain loans and credit lines

Access Basic To High Levels Of Funding For Your Business

The Credit Suite Way

  • Know what’s available and where.
  • Build funding capacity and leverage the available business credit
  • Apply for the business credit in a certain order and the correct timing to maximize results
  • Access business credit software and receive coaching from business credit professionals who are in the know.

Access Business Credit Monitoring

  • Business Experian
  • Dun & Bradstreet
  • Equifax

The creditworthiness of your business is measured by your business credit score, which determines whether you’ll receive approval or rejection for a business loan or credit line, the approved amount, and the terms of payment.

Monitoring the business credit and the available choices is key to maximizing results.

  • Experian
  • Dun & Bradstreet
  • Equifax
  • Utilization percentages
  • Manage company details effectively.
  • Paydex and breakdown of scores
  • Our business credit score monitoring service provides the latest information on the most significant score from each of the three significant business credit bureaus, giving you a business credit advantage. You’ll have access to the same data lenders use to assess your creditworthiness on your dashboard, including a detailed breakdown of the essential scores from Experian, Dun & Bradstreet, and Equifax.
  • Our service provides the Experian Business Credit Score, Intelliscore, similar to the Experian Business Credit Advantage report, but for a bit more than the report’s annual price of $189, you’ll get a score from each of the significant business credit bureaus. We also provide Dun & Bradstreet’s most critical business credit score, PAYDEX, and Equifax’s most important business credit score, Business Delinquency Score.
  • With our business credit monitoring, you’ll receive a helpful summary of the major details a credit reporting agency uses to calculate a business credit score. This summary includes the number of tradelines, overall balances, public records, any UCC filings, and small business credit quality. By seeing what your competition, lenders, or credit card issuers see on your business credit report, you’ll know what to focus on to improve your credit quickly.
  • Utilization details, such as utilization percentage, current and high balances, and average utilization, can also help improve payment history, allowing business owners to understand where a portion of their cash flow is going. Our report also shows important company details, including time in business, number of employees, industry SIC code, and revenue, enabling you to correct any errors and ensure your small business information is correct.
  • Regularly checking your reports can help prevent errors and omissions that may lead to rejections when applying for credit cards or other types of financing. It can also serve as a reminder to update your records with the Credit Reporting Agencies if you need to change your company name, ownership, or move headquarters, all of which can lead to rejection if not kept up to date.

Monitoring your business credit for free is not as widely available as it is for personal credit. Beware of unknown entities that offer free credit reports and request personal information, as this could expose you to identity theft. Credit monitoring services for small businesses can help you assess your credit status and take corrective measures promptly.

Credit monitoring services can be costly, and working with more than one can add up quickly. At Credit Suite, we provide a cost-effective solution by combining credit monitoring services, allowing you to focus on running your business and obtaining financing to support its growth.

Business credit reporting agencies such as Experian, Dun & Bradstreet, and Equifax maintain records of billions of transactions involving millions of companies. Not all of these companies can be considered small businesses. By using objective data and accessing numerous records, the credit reporting agencies assess your creditworthiness. This helps your small business and others like it to secure funding, even if the loan issuer or credit company is not personally familiar with you.

Credit Suite provides information on how they have helped over 40,000 businesses, an introduction to their CORE program to determine whether it is suitable for your business, inspiring stories of people and companies they have assisted, and more.

The ten important and surprising facts about business credit and funding include:

  • In Credit Suite’s experience, 97% of companies can obtain the business credit and funding they require if they follow a proven plan and take the necessary steps.
  • Organizing your business entirely and establishing “fundability” is critical to obtaining financing.
  • It is easy to obtain business credit and funding that is not tied to your personal credit once you understand the process.
  • While SBA loans can be beneficial, they may not always be the best option.
  • Business credit and funding can assist in the short- and long-term growth of your business.
  • Thousands of lenders in the market have billions of dollars to lend to small businesses, and Credit Suite can help you find the right lenders for your needs.
  • Start-ups can obtain business credit, but established businesses with a strong track record must also set up correctly.
  • Going to a “typical” bank for a business loan is usually a mistake, as there are better options available.
  • Most successful entrepreneurs and business owners have used business credit and funding to grow their businesses.
  • Obtaining the business credit and funding required is almost impossible when attempting to do so alone, but with an expert on your side, success is more likely to occur.